What kind of blog is this?

For this new year, I am trying to seek 20/20 vision, a new look on life, rose colored glasses, no more hindsight but future vision. Is that enough puns to start off with on this entry? I have promised I would try to write more this year, which then took me to what do I want this blog to be. All blogs seem to have a target audience, a niche so to speak. Well I have never been one to fit into just one niche. I like ti write whatever strikes my fancy it seems. But, alas I guess I need a direction. So I am going to say that this blog is one of encouragement. Not just for you but myself as well. A blog that talks about the emotions of life, the role of women in life. A bit silliness and laughter. Most of all, just a blog that will hopefully lift your spirits, make you look through a different lens, maybe through another person’s eyes and perspective. That you smile from reading my words and that you are probably thankful you aren’t me. That maybe you will be uplifted in one way or another and that we travel this journey of life.

So as I sit here thinking about going back to work tomorrow and part of me dreads going back and then the other part wants to get back in a routine. Although I will admit that this time away from work has let my body and soul rest. It has given me a chance to just be at home. Spend time with the people that mean the most to me, drink coffee at a leisurely pace. To drink wine, to go to bed early, to rest. To just breathe. So how about you? How do we corporate the feeling of vacation into every day life? I always have the best intentions after time off. I always go in with a new vision, new energy and then after two weeks I am depleted again. We left life sometimes deplete us and we get on the gerbil wheel of life. Or sometimes I feel like I swing from one day to the next like Tarzan swinging from vine to vine.

So how do we enjoy the view as we are swinging through the forest of life? Well, I think we stop and look at the view, that we take a moment everyday to find one thing to be thankful for, that we be more grateful.

So today I am thankful for one more day of vacation, a job to return to, for another day to feel, to think, to be alive. How about you? What songs of thanksgiving does your heart sing?

So as Monday is knocking at our door, let’s think about the view from the swinging vines, look out for the tree trunks that block our view, from the comstriction of the vines of life and just live the best life we can. And yes that is my encouraging word today…that is the uplifting speech. Is this my niche? We shall see. Happy day to each of you!