Valentines day❤

Here we are the day of love and romance. A day to let your loved one what they mean to you. Relationships come in all different manners. Some as familiar as the back of your hand and some so new you are afraid to show your hand of cards. We see each other partly through rose colored glasses, seeing our younger selves and seeing the people we have become. For some, time has aged us and gray hairs are sprouting everywhere, for some their love is new and exciting. No matter what stage of love you are in, or wanting love…keep working on loving yourself and each other. Life gets in the way and responsibilities weigh us down. So maybe today we remember what that first kiss was like, we see past the gray hair and less than perfect body, look past the annoying habits or the little things that irritate us. Maybe we look through the rose colored glasses just for today. I have written a couple of poems over the years and thought I would share them here. Just a thought to celebrate the romance that we all want a portion of in our lives. A moment to desire and be desired, laugh and love….

A simple touch
  A kind word
Both can mean so much

A memory that appears out of the blue
   A smile, a wish
Can see a life that can start anew.

First loves, first dates
   A stolen kiss
Not all will determine your fate.

A forbidden touch, a heart’s desire
   Flesh to flesh
It feels if your soul is on fire.

A slow steady burn begins to grow
   A wanting and a need
You each travel the path you know.

Let me pull you in deeper
  Let me have my fill
Let me be your secret keeper.

Let me feel your heartbeat inside of me
  Let us love each other
Let us be the only one we see.

Let us go to new heights
  Flesh to flesh
Keep each other warm on cold nights.

Let me take you to the very edge
  Desire and ecstasy
Let’s stand together on the slippery ledge.

Let’s take each other again and again
  Deeper, faster, longer stronger
Let’s start it all over and begin again.

Love that burns quickly and never slow
   Memories that are so many
Time goes so fast, where did it go?

The burn of a lover’s touch
  Skin to skin
Oh how this means so much.

A Lover’s touch

The slow dance of love, old and new….
    The sideways glance
    A slow smile
Opening up your heart, the dance of two.

The butterflies you feel when he says your name
   The excitement builds
From the first glance, to the first kiss
You know you both will never be the same.

The electric feel when he holds your hand
   A promise of an adventure
   A promise of seduction
Your heart beats so fast you almost can’t  stand.

The excitement builds and your heart might explode
   Skin to skin
   Toe to toe
You pull him closer, deeper still, ready to implode.

You bring him deeper still
Seems to not to be able to get your fill
Oh this lover’s touch will break my will
It will brand my heart and soul until…

A lover’s touch can be like no other
Simple and oh so very sweet
Passionate and needs to meet
A lover’s touch can be like no other.

Touching not only your body but mind
Marking a trail of desire and need
Igniting your thoughts, all in a bind.
Kissing, nibbling, desires indeed.

The slow dance of love old and new
That special dance shared by two.