Trying to get back on the WW train….

So February is almost to an end and how goes it? The month of love and overindulgence. I will readily admit that I have splurged a bit. How about you? Major cheat days or staying on track? Why is it so hard sometimes? I do think it is mindset and my mind has been a little bit of everywhere.

I have been feeding emotions and frustrations and well only hurting myself. I haven’t gained weight but I know it is a matter of time. I have moments of worry and anxiety and well I try to make good choices. Valentine’s day was ok, work is crazy. Worry about my mom and still adjusting to life after my dad’s passing. Just all of life’s stresses. So food has tasted good, beer has tasted better and sometimes I just want an escape. I have been talking to myself alot. Telling my inner goddess that she needs to not think so much and want so much. I seem to hand out parts of myself like candy on Halloween. Not the parts you are thinking. Words, encouragement, feelings and support. Being there for the people in life and well food is the one there for me this month. Not feeling sorry for myself I promise, just frustrated. Frustrated that everyone takes their candy and moves on and me and the overthinking brain keep thinking about things. And did I say that beer tastes good lol. So I wonder do any of you feel that? Feel like you are the cheerleader but your cheerleader is on the sidelines. And then we have to look at how we are handling things and re-set ourselves so that we don’t self-sabatoge.

So think of ways to do that. Maybe a walk, a journal entry, drinking water, all the normal tricks for appetite. Then we need to do the emotional attention as well. To know that we matter and that we deserve to be lifted up as well as lifting others up. So maybe as we enter the month of shenanigans, we have a few shenanigans of our own. Be our own cheerleaders, ask for what we need, live the daily moments as best we can. There will always be people who will take from our emotional love tank but not fill it up. Maybe we need to be ok to fill our own emotional needs. We can do this!

So this week, I have made chili with turkey. I have chicken and stuffing in the crockpot. Made 1 point brownie batter dip, cut up fruits and veggies and have a week on plan. All we can do is take it one step, one meal, one day at a time. Tonight I will do a facial, have an adult beverage, watch my show Outlander and know that I matter.

I do want to mention again that I am not compensated by WW or not affiliated.

Here is a recipe for brownie batter—

1/2 cup fat free greek yogurt

2 Tbsp of sugar free brownie mix

1/4 tsp of vanilla

Mix together, serving size is 3 Tbsp for 1 point.

Enjoy!!! And enjoy being you!!