Sights you see… And thoughts that cloud

Another month comes barreling in like a freight train
Longer days, warm sun, nights and thoughts to refrain.

The rolling mountains stand guard, leaves flowing, hidden paths, treasures await

The sloping terrain, the winding back road like the curve of a hip
The flow around the curves is like a hand caressing each dip.

Learning the curve of the road, the touch of tire against the pavement, unfolding like the budding smile as you travel mile upon mile.

These mountains stand guard and nestle it’s inhabitants like the arms of a lover

Gentle and strong, colorful and ever changing, a safety like no other.

Pleasure awaits around every bend, a wonder of surprises, hidden trails and wonders that never seem to end.

One could compare the heart of a mountain to the heart of a lover

Inviting and cool, hidden streams and so much to discover.

To see what makes that stream flow
Following the path only lovers may know.

The leaves provide shelter and shade
They clothe the landscape as the sun fades
They blow in the wind, dancing across your skin
They invite you to nestle deep within.

The hills twist and turns
Much like love that burns
Excited to see where the journey may end
Excited to make each touch waiting to send

These mountains of ours so peaceful in their stance
Those lovers who soak up the last bar of their dance.

The sound of nature calls to the hills that surround us one and all
The call of nature to the two hearts that beat that is our hearts to fall

The silence of the winter, the burst of spring colors, the hazy days of summer, the brilliance of fall
The seasons of change, the seasons of life and love, the moments in time, our soul’s enchanting call.

You all ever had one of those days? Today was one of those days. I saw heartbreak of a woman at work today like no other, the work was a load as my fingers flew across the keyboard with complaints, solutions, sadness and a few laughs and my brain processing it all. My inner goddess put herself in time out today and increased my anxiety–that dirty little hooker! And as I was driving to pick up my son, I saw the mountains rolling gently in front of my vision. I saw their strength and beauty, I saw their fullness of joy. Then I fussed at my inner goddess for letting anxiety of the past creep in, the thoughts of being too much or not enough. The thoughts of wondering what someone else thought about me. And well my inner goddess told me to put on my big girl panties and turn the other cheek .. literally and figuratively. I felt ashamed for old demons to creep across my thoughts when someone else was consumed with thoughts of loss. Those mountains reminded me that they have seen growth and destruction, burned by fires, eaten by locusts, thirsty for a drop of rain. Then it made me think about how thirsty we all are. How life has burned us, how the insects of negativity and destruction tears us down. How we become resilient through the trials and seasons of life.

This person today, she has one of the hardest storms imaginable to navigate and my hope and prayer is she has the anchor that we all need in good times and in bad. The road she walks is going to be like walking the incline of that mountain, briars and hurts tearing her skin and heart, breathless from the exertion, lost amongst the underbrush. Just like we all have traveled a different path but the same obstacles along the way. Reaching for that summit when the Son smiles down on you, the sun warms your over exerted skin, your mouth parched and thirst is quenched and your heart becomes at peace. Yes I got all of this from just looking at the mountains that loomed in front of me.

So my inner goddess and I had a chat. I can’t put down all the words we said as well some of them were some colorful curse words. My mind has been like those mountains, hard to navigate, my heart has been broken like the limbs broken off in a storm. The terrain is rocky and I haven’t always liked how I looked, how I was seen and wondered what was wrong with my landscape. This is where my inner goddess jumped in and called me a Bish and to tell those that didn’t like the landscape to climb their royal selves on that steed and to have intercourse with themselves and the trusty steed they rode in on ( but much cruder). The landscape isn’t a mighty oak or as whimsical as a wheeping cherry tree, or a rhododendron full in bloom, well.maybe the full part. But despite the exterior fullness or imperfections stands a landscape like no other. She then said if someone doesn’t want to tend to your grass there is always a landscaper who will. Yes we had a long talk while driving while the clouds caressed the mountain tops. How about you? Do you listen to that inner goddess or do you let the other thoughts consume you. It is like kudzu, it is suffocating. Who wants kudzu when you can have sun dancing through the maple leaves and the pines swaying in the breeze? When did we let the landscape obstruct the view?

So yes old hurts tried to cloud my vision today. Unanswered questions from the past (they are the ones riding that trusty steed) and anxiety that I am past marketable real estate (inner goddess kicked my butt for that one). It is amazing how a couple thoughts can change the whole perspective. Don’t let those thoughts weigh you down. Talk about them, write about them, let your thoughts flow. Know that you are more than the manicured landscape, your life is a tapestry of all the seasons, of all the changes. The Master Gardner created the landscape of life and maybe it is time to get out from behind the shrubs. Maybe it is time to know that you are worth as much as the hidden treasures beneath the soil.

So when you drive around, glance at all that is around you. The mountains, the sun on your skin, the music of life in your hearts and minds. And well, if someone feels your mountain is too big to climb, they can climb that horse and you know the rest of that story. Thank you for reading my ramblings, thank you for letting me be real. Those who don’t realize good real estate will never enjoy the fruit of that labor (I am back on my inner goddesses good graces with that one). We all worry at times, it is how we change the worry around that counts. We each are that beautiful dogwood waiting for our season to bloom. So learn and grow, stretch and yearn, seek peace and simple moments, enjoy beauty in every light, be real.