
I woke to hear the rain pouring down
The skies emptying their sorrow
Like the clouds in a constant frown.

Yet it is a cleansing rain
Washing away the grime
Soothing away so much pain.

It tumbles from the sky, pouring out
It is soothing in the pattern it falls
The rain cocooning us from being about.

It cleanses the earth, it cleanses the soul
Don’t ignore it’s mighty power, this torrent of rain
It lulls one back to sleep, always taking a toll.

How that rain made me think about the storms of life,
Gentle, stormy, drenching, soothing, turbulent
Our days and nights that can be full of joy and strife.

How that rain that came tumbling down beating against my window pane
Coming in sheets and droplets, no two drops the same
Like each of us, so different and so similar, crazy yet we are so sane.

That rain sang a lullabye to my heart
There was no fear here in the dark
That rain spoke to my core, every part.

The storms of life may rage and rumble
Like that rain that came crashing down
Sometimes we walk straight and we stumble.

Life raging like a swollen river after the skies let loose
We all on a journey from the gentle streams to wild seas
Finding our way through life, and lessons put to use.

That rain made me want to listen to it’s raindrops fall
Made me want to set to words as thoughts ebb and flow
How the storms wash away and nature comes to call.

How life can drain us, wash us, sustain us as the water rises and thunder rolled
How precious is each moment, unique in and of itself
How lucky we are to ride the storms, surviving the hands that we are doled.

A simple summer storm invokes these thoughts and so much more
For life is made to be lived, to be bold
May the rain bring a fresh new start, as that is what each day is for.