Poems for the day

So I have felt the need to write a bit more, think as always and peel layers back on so many thoughts. I should have been cleaning house but took a few minutes to write a few poems. Just thoughts bouncing around in the conundrum of my mind. Thanks for reading and wishing each of you words in your life that touch you beyond the physical but touch all of you.


How does one go from every day life
To waiting and wanting, to have less strife.

How do we get through each day
Waiting and wanting something to say.

Do you ever stop and think to yourself
Why you have much to offer yet put on a shelf?

You feel that you have much love and care to share
Yet sometimes it feels you are a burden for someone to bear?

You have a heart that cares and has so much to give
Those feelings seem to run like water through a sieve.

You want to share your inner most thoughts
To share moments and shower someone with things not bought.

You have been told you are not enough but a bit too much
When all you wanted was love, time and a tender touch.

How do we let people rob us of the love we have to offer
How do we let them take the keys and make our hearts less softer?

How can we be ourselves yet yearn for more?
How we shouldn’t have to change who we are to our core?

Who, what, where, when, why, and how
All of the thoughts, feelings and needs right now

Do you think about how maybe you were never enough
Or do you know you wanted more and you made love tough.

Do you know you are more than enough
That you asked the wrong person who was too tough?
To touch to let those walls come tumbling down
To tough to realize your ready smile turned to a frown.

We are meant to share, to feel and to love and be loved.
It is a challenge to connect with the one you call your beloved.

Do you sometimes feel you have scared them away,
Or do you be you and hope they find the courage to stay?

You are enough, you are fearfully and wonderfully made
You deserve happiness,health and joy that won’t fade.

Sometimes we feel to quickly, to much, to intense
Sometimes our heart goes where our brain can’t make sense.

I am finding on this second chapter in my life
I want to be wanted, heard, feel love and no strife

I am finding I feel deep, love with all I have and love much
I am finding there are few that are brave enough for such.

Be brave, be bold, be strong, take that chance
Life and love,happiness and joy, let your heart dance.

Take the chance, say the words, live everyday the best you can
A moment in time, a love felt, a chance taken, be your biggest fan!
We are meant to be more than we were the day before
We are meant to laugh and love and so much more.

The days flow from one to another
Be you, be more, be soft and not tougher.
You are not too much and you are more than enough to another
You are you and and that should never suffer.

Don’t suffer from doubt, don’t suffer from dispair
Know that you are wanted and loved and someone cares.

We go from day to day, waiting and watching and wanting more
Make each day your own and watch your heart begin to soar.

June 12, 2021


Sometimes the words come tumbling out
Thoughts, feelings, emotions and some doubt.

Words that are a balm to a hurting soul
Words that have been spoken and take their toll.

Words that being a smile to your face
Words that stay tucked away in a special place

Words and thoughts tumble through the mind
Some should not be said, sometimes should be in a bind.

Sometimes the words spoken overwhelm and are too intense
Sometimes it would be better to keep quiet in a sense
Sometimes the words can scare people away
Sometimes you want the words to make them stay.

Words are the puzzle pieces to our ways and life
Words linking thoughts and people to hope and less strife.

Words and thoughts are so much easier to speak than deeds
Words and feelings so intertwined expressing deep seated needs.

Words meant to encourage and lift others up high
Words spoken from the heart with care and make hearts fly.

Words are such an important part of life
Words to soothe a soul and cause less strife.

Words tumble around in my mind so much everyday
Words to be spoken, heard and felt in each and everyway.

If I shower you with my thoughts and words, I do only when you mean alot to me
As my words are my own, and the rivers run deep with who you are and what I see.

My words are an extension of who I am, who you are and what it all means
My words hopefully make you feel who I am and that life is more than it seems.

My words can sometimes be awkward, inappropriate, and cause you to laugh
My words are my thoughts and ideas all mixed in and I give more than my half.

My words are my own, thoughts flying through space and time
Give me your words and a penny for your thoughts, worth more than a dime.

Words that tumble through our minds, out our mouths and touch our heart and soul
Words that say so much, hide so much, mean so much, words that end us and make us whole.

June 12, 2021