Ok some more thoughts….

Happy Wednesday! Last Wednesday in the month of September and fall still hasn’t arrived and I am so ready for cool, crsip mornings. How about you guys? What are you thinking about or waiting for? You may not want to know what I am thinking!

So I was driving to work yesterday, listening to my Spotify play list. Having my own concert for the entertainment of my fellow drivers. I mean I am lead singer, back up, hype man, shoulder shaking, hip swerving one woman show! Now I am going to mention a couple of songs or singers ( I have no rights to their songs nor plagerizing, just quoting, whew that is out of the way). So Lizzo is a woman after my own inner goddess. She rocks her beauty, she is sure about who she is, can cuss like a sailor and knows how to make a tune stick in your head. Then Kelsea Ballerini pops up next. So Lizzo was singing about Boys–skinny boys, bow tie boys, boys, boys, boys. Then Kelsea’s Yeah Boy with blue jeans and a ball cap. Now I have more songs than just about boys– Darling Nikki, Dirty Prince songs, Tangled Up In You, Staind, Whiskey Glasses, Beautiful Crazy, When I taste Tequila, praise and worship music, and the list goes on and on…..

Music is an escape, an emotion, a memory, a feeling, and just plain fun. But I digress. The reason I mentioned the first two songs were about boys. I got to thinking where are the songs about men? The men who know what the want, that aren’t playing games, looking for the next hook up, that are the men with the smiles that light their eyes up, those laugh lines framing those pretty eyes, jeans that fit just so and the smile that lights a fire? Now I also have a bit of rap in my list as well– they say they are men but they are popping pills and picking up a ho (and not a garden tool) and have an affinity for kitty cats 😉. These are boys in men’s bodies.

Which then made me think about men. Yes I think about men. It made me think how we as women, we as society have changed men– just like all of that has changed us women. Who a man is has changed and how we look at them has changed. We chide about sugar daddies, silver foxes, men wanting cougars, men who we want to show more emotions but then get aggravated when they do, men who do everything but be vulnerable. We read lists of how we each should be, we watch Hollywood to model behaviors, we look at social media and compare men, compare lives, we call men boys. Boys are cute BUT men are a whole different breed.

Think old Hollywood–Cary Grant, John Wayne Jimmy Stewart, Marlon Brando, James Dean. The cut of their suit, the way they carried themselves, the subtleness of sexiness, the way they portrayed themselves. Yeah I know they weren’t the same off screen. But they were manly men. Fast forward to today and Sam Elliott I will just stop there lol. There are pretty boys, hipster boys. Where are men? Where are songs about men? We need to celebrate men, atleast I think so.

We as women keep saying we can do everything a man can. Well that is a lie. I am not ashamed to admit that. There are things I do that men can’t. But instead of degrading what each person lacks, how about we celebrate each other. We communicate differently as men and women, we physically are different, and the list goes on. Wait a minute, that is the problem, these damn lists, unspoken expectations, making men feel less manly and not important. Women taking the lead away from men. Yes, men can lead and that is hot. That doesn’t make me a weak female, it makes me a female that wants to make a man feel manly. I don’t want to be a man. I want to be a flirty girl, I want to feel special and pretty sure he does too. Not the flirty girl part lol.

Yeah there are women libbers out there now ready to strangle me. I don’t care. I want to bless a man, celebrate a man, let him know what he means and just being thankful. So in turn, I want the same thing. When did we forget about spoiling each other or doing nice things. Cold beer for you after you mow the grass, your favorite beer no less. Favorite meal, flirty text and there is so much more. A bubble bath for her or a simple card or shoulder rub. Think of the songs. Kinda of like Barry White and Lizzo with a little bit of country.

I think men should be celebrated. Songs are fun about boys, and boys are fun. But men, well that should be a long, slow, enjoyable muse. From the crinkle of their eyes, that smile just for you. The hands that work hard yet hold your hand softly. The feet that carry him through a hard day’s work to the boots under your bed. Yep, right now even Lizzo’s inner goddess is thinking about the appeals of a man. A song about a boy is flirty and catchy and well just about boys. A song about a man who melts your heart and makes you want to make him smile– well that inner goddess is pulling out her best 80’s moves and aqua net.

So yes Lizzo has boys, thick boys, thin boys, naughty boys. So how about those hard working men, men that don’t go by lists, men who appreciate the people in their life and not looking for another conquest. Yeah, that inner goddess is looking at his callused hands, that smile across the barbecue, the arm holding you while you sleep, the man who likes to laugh and not at you but with you. Yeah that inner goddess has her feet propped up and her heart flying while looking at her man and so thankful for the music her heart follows, for the boy who grew into a man, following the song of life. Yeah, go ahead and celebrate a man and the boys may step aside. Be thankful for the boys who have become men and let them know that the only list they need is the playlist to your heart. Inner goddess signing out for now…..