My tired is tired

Happy Wednesday all! How is your week? How is your tired? Sometimes your tired is tired, right? Sometimes this treadmill of life doesn’t increase our heart rates but sucks the life out of us. I imagine Tarzan swinging from vine to vine just like me swinging from one day to the next.

No I am not being whiney or ungrateful. I am blessed more than I deserve with a job, car, home, family and friends. But I get tired. Do you? Do you feel guilty for just not being able to do one more thing? I do. I feel like some days I give so many parts of myself away that there is nothing else. Or I feel like the character in The Green Mile that sucks out the bad and spews the bee like insects from his mouth. Listening to others woes, helping in their care, your heart hurts for such hurt in our world. Then there is your own life. Everyone is busy, you don’t get to spend enough time with those you love and sometimes you want to say what about me?

So how do we get our tired of being tired resolved? What do you do? I give into it. When I am that exhausted I go to bed. I have learned I have to do that. I have an autoimmune thing called Sjogrens and I hit the wall sometimes. But beside that obvious trick I think we need to do more than snuggling down cocooned by soft sheets and dreamland. I think we have to be better about setting boundaries. To realize we can only humanly do so much, that we aren’t the only employee where we work. As a nurse, I think our compassion level is super charged. If it isn’t, you shouldn’t be a nurse. But we have to show compassion to ourselves, no matter what are role or job is in life. We can’t make others realize our worth and sometimes you don’t have to be the one who wants to carve out time to spend together. That you can’t be all things to all people sometimes. No matter how strong you are, it always is welcomed for someone to be strong for you.

We need to eat better, move a little more and give ourselves permission to rest. However, I shouldn’t be resting and writing this entry and should be getting my butt ready for work. My inner goddess thinks she can lounge across the bed, freshly showered and wrapped in a fluffy towel. However, she is a goddess and this momma has bills to pay.

So for all of you feeling that your tired is tired today….get ready. Put on some pretty panties, fix your hair, get that coffee, WITHOUT Kahlua, and put your best foot forward. However, know when to walk away and be done for the day! May our tired not be too tired today. May we never tire of trying our best and just maybe sometimes, somebody will step up and lift you up just like you do others!! Chin up my friends and today will be a good day! Happy hump day all!!