Mother’s Day….

What a day today can be. A day of showing our love for the mothers in our lives. A day of sadness for those whose moms have gone to heaven and a day for longing for those who want to be a mother. A day of so many emotions. We have so many blessings in our lives and so many wonderful women in our lives. From our grandmothers who raised our moms and our moms who have been there for every milestone, heartbreak and joy.

The influence of women in our lives is undeniable. They carried us for 9 months and they carry us in their hearts until they are no longer on this earth. We hear their heartbeat from the jnside during those 9 months and we become their heartbeat from there on out. A mother’s love is tested and tried, it is full of life’s struggles, it is full of all the firsts in your life–your first step, first word, first crush, first love, first heartbreaks and all the heartbreaks left to come. Their first grandchild and then they become a part if that heartbeat.

We take our moms for granted at times and get aggravated and sometimes think–“she possibly can’t understand what I am going through. She has no idea”. Mom signed up to be a mom, so she is ok to be responsible for said child and cooking and cleaning and going on every last bit of energy she has because she signed up for this. But sometimes moms need to know they matter. And not just on one day a year. For that matter, women need to know they matter. We love so differently then our beloved men, we care differently, we show love differently. Each party unique in their own way and men and women bring different things to the table.

A mothers love and prayers have carried us where we are today. And for those whose moms have been called home, today can be tough. We have the memories tucked so very carefully in our hearts but it isnt the same as feeling their arms around us and sitting at their table. Each mom that has gone home has left someone behind and in some instances embraced their children that went before them.

Then the women who ache to be a mom, their heart beats to have a little one of their own and today makes them feel like there is something missing and they question life and themselves.

Today is wrought with joy and praise and happiness and memories. There are tears and sadness mixed in today. So maybe we strive to not just celebrate mom on Mother’s day, but everyday. Maybe we celebrate ALL the people in our life and let them know what they mean to us. May we lift up those struggling with infertility, death, loneliness and unresolved conflict with their families. Maybe we celebrate our uniqueness, no two moms or women alike. There is no instruction manual to become a mom but there can be alot of critics on how other women navigate life and motherhood.

We all are trying to do the best we can in this journey of life. And while today is a special day for moms….what if we made ordinary days just as special. And maybe we forgive ourselves more, love each other more, tell others how much they mean to us and celebrate the strength of women.

I am blessed to still have my mom here, and she has been my mom, cheerleader and so much more. I am blessed to have 2 wonderful kids who have made me a mom. I know I have let them down and times have been to tired to move, but I hope they always know they are loved, that I tried my best and that they are the best blessings I have ever received and the privelege of being their mom!

So celebrate the women in your life. Let them know what the mean. And just maybe dont let it end with just one holiday, but maybe let them know what they mean when they least expect it!