
I haven’t written in awhile. Lots of thoughts but not many moments to submerge in my thoughts. Hope everyone has been well and that the sunshine has warmed your skin and the moments of summer have been filled with moments of joy.

We are on the road. We haven’t taken a vacation where we actually have gone somewhere in twelve years! A family vacation, gone from the days of little kids to 5 adults vacationing. I haven’t been on vacation with my mom since then either. Things coming back full circle. We pooled our funds and rented a car. We got a Mac daddy Suburban. I feel like I am a warrior princess driving this! More bells and whistles then this simple woman is used to. No matter what we are riding in, we are together to squeeze out a few more memories, a few moments. We let those moments disappear don’t we?

Driving towards Tennessee, crossing into Virginia, the mountains rolling in front of me. Seeing views that are ahead, leaving stresses of daily life behind. Seeing the sun shine and the blue sky, haze hanging over the tops of the peaks. The windshield offering new views, the rear view shows the road behind us. I feel a sense of freedom, the joy of navigating the car through traffic, watching the scenery change, feeling so many emotions. Do you like to drive, feel the power under your hands, the rumble across your derriere, the joy for new adventures? I do. Testing a few boundaries, testing nerves, testing directions, always testing lol

Just one day but a different day. This has been a different week. My heart has been full, my eyes filled with wonder, my brain trying to comprehend the words of someone who is making such a mark on my heart I sometimes lose my thoughts. New adventures, new moments to make memories, new moments to discover. Life goes by so quickly, life can be so stressful, life can be so wonderful. Take a moment to feel that sun warm your face, take a moment for your heart to feel loved, take a moment to melt into that hug, take a moment to realize how blessed we are. I want to have moments that multiply. How about you? Do we take moments for granted or feel the grace of having these moments to cherish.

The miles are clicking by and our destination is out of reach still, but this moment is here. This moment in time. It makes me greedy for the moments that lie ahead. Greedy for watch certain paths to unfold, greedy for my heart to be entangled in the moments forever more. Make the most of your moments, make the most of memories, make those around you know they matter. No matter what you may disagree about, no matter how they see you, you see that moment. Sieze it, make moments my dears for moments matter. Now I must be the navigator for my dear daughter who is driving this beast of a car! (We have used cars and to drive a car this fancy, well it is a moment!) And if you are close to my heart, you matter. Just wanted you to know!