Hump day and giggles….

Just a quick entry here. How is your week, your month, your year so far? Singing that in your head now huh? How are your intentions, resolutions and life? January is a hard month for alot of us.

It has been bitterly cold here this week and well we shouldn’t complain. We have had a mild winter so far and hopefully this cold weather will kill some of these viruses and flu that seem to be lurking around every corner. I have noticed it is staying light a little bit later in the day as I am leaving marks in the concrete dragging my behind to the car after work! Still working on the intentions here. Weight watchers still going strong and trying to be a little nicer to myself.

So how about you? Still dieting and exercising or reaching for whatever goal you had in mind? You can do this my friends. Remember it is a day at a time and a decision at a time. Maybe take today to be nicer to yourself, make you a priority, talk nicer to yourself and others. I struggle with negative talk as I have always felt I am never enough for myself or others. What a storm that is to be in. Have you ever felt that way? We all have at one time or another even if you don’t want to admit it.

So not only the food we put in our bodies and the exercises we push through, our internal dialogue and our interactions with others effect our well-being. So, I guess I am writing this for you and for myself. That it is ok to be kind to yourself, it is ok to kick alot of negative things to the curb. Bad habits, bad food, negative thoughts.

So if you have struggled on your diet, I mean lifestyle change, get back on the horse! Struggling with self image or feeling you aren’t enough, well you are! Check yourself out, play up your prettiest features, channel your inner goddess and let her come out and play. Life is short my friends and life is hard. Laugh when you can, forgive yourself and others,love with every part of you, even if others can’t seem to return that love. Today is hump day folks!! Half way through a traditional work week and you have made it thus far. Climb on that horse or cowboy 😜, make today a good day!! Smile because you were blessed with another day and be a blessing to someone today. If your thighs rub together, so what! You planned your meal today and those thighs will catch your phone from falling in the toilet. You got junk on the trunk? Well so does Kim K and you shake that booty girl. You fellas got a bit of a beer belly….no worries you are still handsome. We all may not be model perfect or someone’s cup of tea. For those that pass us up, you are losing out on some amazing people. We are more than our outward shells. So while we are intending to lose weight, let’s not forget to cultivate our minds and hearts.

I just wanted to give a shout out of encouragement today! Life gets hard, people drive us crazy, we want more out of life than the rat race. So take a moment, take a breath, take a chance. Take time for you and know that each of us is far from perfect but each of us is wonderfully made.

So get in that car, turn on your favorite music and have car karaoke. Drink your coffee, make good food choices, be kind to yourself and laugh! Think about just being happy for a moment and be proud of how far you have come this week! Now I have to go listen to that song– what is it? Maybe save a horse and ride a …….or maybe about a darling girl in a hotel lobby and a magazine (challenging your music trivia as I don’t own writes to any songs😉)