How is life?

So how are you doing and how is life going? We now have another hallmark holiday behind us and how did you do? Does anyone feel a let down after a holiday. As I have gotten older this seems to happen. How about you?

It seems as I get older I notice way too much. I have tried to make holidays special. My mom always did. Now not every one mind you, but the major ones. Christmas and Thanksgiving; Valentine’s day and birthdays. The other ones were recognized but just not as much. I tried to do the same for my kids. Even now as the kids are older, I still try to make a memory. But I have noticed more sadness after the holiday. Maybe from over thinking, maybe because of social media, I am not sure. How about you?

Believe me, I am past comparing my life to others in a lot of ways. I know that I don’t have to keep up with the Jones’s to feel fulfilled. I don’t want to. And I realize we only post the good parts of our lives, the best pictures, the funniest moments. But sometimes what we desire is shown in someone else’s post. The sweet picture, the love that shines through, the likes on someone’s post, the desire to matter. Social media is a blessing but can be a mind game, but I digress. The days after holidays, well shoot holidays in general feel different as we age.

Not everyone celebrates holidays, some don’t like to be emotionally open to share what they feel, or they don’t want to just give their time and love. I feel bad for them. I feel sad for the people in their lives. Then this made me think that we don’t have to be open just on holidays but everyday. Maybe we, myself included, put such focus on holidays because we want some focus on ourselves. We give because we want to and it gives us great joy but we also want someone to think of us. A card, a flower, a back rub that doesn’t have to have the expectation of a happy ending, a night away or doing something different from the same thing you always do. Or your kids cleaning the house so you don’t have to or just time spent together. See, too much time on my own and I think way too much. Sounds selfish when I say we want focus on ourselves doesn’t it? I don’t think it is being selfish but just the feeling of you matter is what is wanted. We give because we want to, without strings attached and to see that joy on your face. We aren’t being selfish, we all want to know we matter.

So this Valentine’s weekend has been great for some. Day trips, day drinking, weekends away, professions of love and pictures of flowers and quiet moments not shared on social media. And good for you guys. To love and be loved is a very special thing. To share it with the world or to share it with the person who is your world, well that is a special thing. If you have had those moments that you hold dear in your heart, your heart is very blessed. So if you are married or once were, if your sweetheart is here or been called home; if you are single and waiting on your sweetheart or have one in your life, you are still blessed. And you question how I can say that? Well I can say that because your heart is open to give and receive love. Love isn’t perfect, people aren’t perfect. You may bicker in your relationship, you get on each other’s nerves. You may wish your partner was still alive to bicker with or sad about the little things that caused you to bicker. You may be single and want that special someone or you may have a special someone who seems far away. None of those instances are perfect but you put your heart out there. Our heart can be full of love, it can be broken just as easily as it can be full. The point is, is that your heart is open to take the chances. We have so many walls of past hurts, past abuse, past indiscretions, past words of hurt and sometimes unspoken feelings. But we have cracks in those walls that have let the warm rays of love to break through, rays of forgiveness, rays of hope, rays of love. So the holiday of love seems to bring all of this to the forefront. Just think if we did things of love and romamce, thoughtfulness and passion on some days other than holidays….we would have that holiday feeling more often. The walls would have more cracks in them, our heart could be fuller if we take that chance. We always think we have tomorrow, but someday we will run out of tomorrows. I have seen that even more this past year. If you have love in your life you are blessed. Love of a family and friends, love of a partner, love of oneself. If you recognize it everyday, the holidays are the cherry on top. We all want to be remembered and thought about and well I think we deserve that. It is hurtful when you have to beg for that love from anyone in your life. We each should remember this. Just because some seem like they don’t need love, have walls built so high, that are always resilient, that feel they are unlovable, they need your love more than you know. Not just on a holiday but everyday.

So as the weekend comes to a close and the candles are burned out, may the love you felt this weekend be felt in the coming weeks. If you have felt a love from someone who is no longer living, cherish that feeling and thankful you were blessed with a great love. If you can’t love someone the way they need to be loved or you are holding back because you think you don’t know how to love, don’t do that to you or them. Love with all you have for it is better to have loved than mever to have loved at all. But don’t overshare that love— if you love more than one partner, well you shouldn’t commit to one person, don’tcheat. Love is strong yet fragile, spectacular and scary, sacred and solid. Love is patient, love is kind, Corinthians love chapter paints a word picture of love like no other. Love is a double edged sword, protection and pain, strength and weakness.

As the weekend ends and we face a new week, cherish those around you, cherish your memories and cherish each other. Social media shows one part of your love, but I hope that the real life part showed all of your love. We are more than ❤ or 👍, we are more than our followers. We maybe should tend each other as much as we do our virtual world. I loved seeing your posts, your flowers, your words because it is a sign of love and hope. Now I didnt post any of that…no flowers or cards here. But I did spend time with my mom on her first Valentine’s without dad, time with my son and time for myself (no one wanted to see me coloring my hair and painting my nails lol). And those that are my world know that they mean the world to me, even those that don’t express themselves like I do nor share it in the virtual world. I like my ❤ in private.

So as we face this new week, go in armed with love, kindness in your hearts with kind words from your lips. Love those in your life with all that you have as we aren’t promised tomorrow. So how are you? Know that you are ok and loved no matter the past or present or future. Sending you virtual hugs and real life love. Now go and kick this week’s behind❤❤