Good Friday

So doesn’t it seem weird we call this good Friday? A day 2000+ years ago that Jesus hung on a cross. Sinless and blameless, yet He went through the pain and the mockery for you and for me. How can that pain and reading about it in our bibles and believing what He did because He loved us is unfathomable at times. How does His pain and sacrifice equal a good Friday? Well the Friday had to happen for the Sunday to occur. The pain, the sweat and tears, the heartache of his earthly mother seeing her son be mocked, to see the hands she held be held to a cross by His nail pierced hands. His heavenly Father watching His son bring the good news to a criminal so that man could have eternal life, to follow His father’s will. The nay sayers and onlookers who didn’t believe He was the King of the Jews and the sky darkened as Jesus took His last breath. The realization a bit too late that this Son of man was the Son of God.

Maybe Good Friday is the best Friday. It is a day to remind us of someone making the sacrifice for you and me because He loved us. He knew our name before we were born, He knew our name while He hung on that cross. If He has been asked into our lives and hearts, our name is in His book of life. He knew the struggles we each would go through, He knew our house and sorrows, He knows when we will take our last breath. He gave His life for us to have eternal life. So one of the saddest days of the year became one of the happiest. Happiest because it removed the veil, it gave us each the chance to take Him by the hand in this life and the life to come. The sorrow of such unbearable pain, humiliation carried by one Man who never had one bad thought, one selfish action. He insured that for you and me. He loved us so very much. That makes this a Good Friday!

So today may you find something to be thankful for. Something to make you smile. Something that makes you feel blessed beyond words. Today remember the sacrifice given that when you leave this earth you will be walking into Heaven and be touched by the hands that hung on that cross, that touched you when you were sick, that sent His spirit to you when you thought you would never survive the hurt in your life,that loves you for the person you are, the person He gave his life for. What a good, good Father we have in God, what a Redeemer we have in Jesus. What a life we have been blessed with and what hope springs for our eternity. This was a Friday like no other. Because of this Friday, the stone was rolled away, because of all of this He lives so we can face tomorrow. May we each find peace and comfort for this day and look forward to Resurrection Sunday and know this life is fleeting and eternity is forever.