Fantasy, vampires and reality….

Hey you’all. I hope everyone has been well. Things at the Collins household seem to be on a gerbil wheel. One day runs into the next. Work, household chores, school, and the never ending cycle of responsibility. I know it is that way for each of you and it can be monotonous and a blessing at the same time. We seem to never have enough tine or money to be able to do things we love or just have a break.

So I will admit that one guilty pleasure I have indulged in (the one I will admit to lol) has been binge watching True Blood. I can admit to having a love affair with stories of vampires.

So this show is violent, sexy, perfect bodies and desire, passionate and naughty and glimpses of humanity amongst the fangs. But one thing I thought of was what if…. What if we could glamour the hurt out of our lives. The vampires lock gazes with you and command you to do something or forget something or someone. Just think, glamour away doubts and insecurities, the hurt of a relationship or a marriage, a friendship, the death of a loved one, the loss of a child. Major life events that shape us everyday and the baggage we carry from those hurts. Things that break your heart and have you cry until there are no more tears and things that drain your well being.

Then I thought, through those hurts we learn so much. We learn how to heal, we become thankful for the storms and lessons we learn. That those hurts have taught us some of the biggest lessons we have ever had. And even though they hurt there is a peace that comes after that pain. The blessing to have loved than to miss out in all the wonderful feelings that accompany love. The touch of your grandmothers hand, the hug from a parent, the kiss good bye from a lover. Each of these events mold us and yes they can break us. And yet the human spirit perseveres and faces another day. To do that we are never alone. There is a spirit sent to us to be the balm for our wounds and a guiding hand;there are ones that love us and lift us up when we can’t do it ourselves.

For that fantasy though… Just imagine there could be parts of things you forget. That drunk text, the over confessing text, the spurned crush, embarrasing moments like the wire of your bra working its way out to appear in your cleavage and visible for all to see (I mean I have heard that can happen). And yes that desire part that you have captured the attention of a lover and not just because your blood type is O positive but because they only have eyes and a heart for you and not just what your heart can do for them.

So I know you guys are on the same gerbil wheel as we are. Never enough time in a day, work too much, pay attention to things that don’t mean as much as the people in our lives. Feelings that you have either let your job down or your family or yourself. We can’t be all things to all people and life can be exhilarating and exhausting. Now if we could move as fast as a vampire, we would have less time cleaning house because we could move super fast. And well the sex would be hot and steamy and alot of it lol. And to be able to read minds like Sookie, well my anxities would finally get a break! And well let’s say Eric is not too hard on the eyes. The down side would be never tasting a good beer or piece of chocolate or feeling the sunshine on our skin and outliving the people that mean the most to us.

So, yes amongst the doldrums of daily life, I escaped to the land of Bon Temps and lost myself in the world of vampires and werewolves and shape shifters and fae and I am not even sorry. Sometimes it is OK to watch a show or read a book that isn’t intellectual just to escape for awhile. Believe me I am guilty of this. Twilight series, Outlander books and show, fifty shades of gray and well many more have carried my mind to a different place. Where do you escape to? What are your guilty pleasures to indulge in? We all have them, I am just more mouthy about some of mine. So give yourself permission to escape, give yourself a breather, give yourself a pat on the back. You and I, we juggle alot everyday and are sometimes under appreciated for the amazing women and men we are. So let Eric nibble your neck, get lost with Jamie and wrapped in his kilt, jet on the private airplane with Christian or fight with Katniss against the powers that be. We all need to get lost in a good story while writing our own.