
Thanks for indulging me.. .

Fall seemed to march in so quick and steadfast
Summer didn’t want to go, it’s glow to last.

Leaves of green seemed to hang on tight
Summers grip against fall, they both fight.

Just like the grip of this life that grabs ahold
Heat of the moment, anger & passion so bold.

Bold like the colors of the leaves on the tree
Surrounding our souls, our thoughts to be free.

Free like the leaves that dance in the wind
Emotions swirling, minds turning, joy around the bend

Bend in our will, so many stories left to tell
Words falling from our mouths & hearts clear as a bell.

The beat of the drum that the seasons march to
The whistling wind, the tap of rain, the morning dew.

The same drum that our hearts beat to
Changing seasons forever changing lives
Both flow through the landscapes all new
Love and care to show and a life to thrive.

Thrive like the sun on your face, the colors that stir a slow pace, the snowflake like lace, the spring like a delicate vase.

Oh fall…..how you enthrall & capture us all
Let us enjoy your bounty until winter’s call.