Easter morning

Happy Easter!

This year seems to be marching on quickly. So what does Easter mean to you? Everyone has different views and beliefs and those have shaped each of us to this day. It can be a day of worship, of family meals, easter candy and ham, a day of blessings. It is a day of rebirth and a holy day.

When my kids were little, the Easter bunny made a visit with bubbles and sidewalk chalk and candy, toy cars and barbie clothes, outdoor toys and glow sticks: jello eggs and jelly beans from jello. Easter outfits and church. Dinner with my family and reminiscing about those no longer around the table and memories of the past and memories for the day. And the most important reason was the sacrifice of Jesus and how He loved me before I was known and that He loves me for my downfalls and flaws. And He loves you too.

Everyone has their faith and their beliefs and I respect that. And yes I am talking about my Jesus. And if you want to share your faith and beliefs, I respect that and can discuss openly. It is unusual in today’s climate to talk about beliefs, but I am an unusual woman and I want to sing His praises. For me, there is Jesus. He made the ultimate sacrifice for me and for you. I fail him everyday and I am not perfect. I am thankful that He loves me and He saved me and that I will have eternal life because God gave his only begotten Son so that me and you will have eternal life

I saw The Passion of the Christ. A portrayal of the Passover, the betrayal of Judas, the blood shed from the whipping, the long walk of carrying His cross, the nail piercing His hands, His cries to His Father. You may read your bible and see it in your mind’s eye and to see any portrayal of the sacrifice of the One who was sinless makes one realize how much we are loved. Loved by our heavenly Father, more than we can begin to understand or can fathom the depth of His love, His touch on our lives and heart.

So today is a day of rejoicing, a day of rebirth, a day to recognize the tomb is empty and the promise of seeing Jesus and our loved ones on that beautiful shore one day. We all have so many trials and tribulations every day, life becomes overwhelming and we feel that we are just existing. Financial struggles, relationship issues, sickness, quarrels amongst ourselves and the list goes on. Maybe today we let go of all of the weight of life. Think of the weight of that cross that was carried by the Lamb of God for you and for me. That we see the world and others like Jesus sees us. That today we celebrate a renewing of our minds and spirits. That we love each other, even those that are difficult to love, those that have hurt us physically and mentally, that we reach beyond ourselves to someone who crosses our path today. That we forgive ourselves for our stumbles and failures and thank the One who loves us beyond comprehension. That we enjoy our families and the meals so lovingly prepared and the precious time we have today. Memories to be made and candy to be eaten. Those darn Reese eggs are a temptation on their own!

I know the Easter bunny still leaves a basket here for my kids, even though they are older. And I pray that my kids always know that Easter is more than the goodies and that even though their earthly father made choices to not be in their life, their heavenly Father loves them and guides them each day. And may we as parents, women and men, boy and girl realize we never walk this journey alone and that there is One who loves us and yearns for our hearts to follow Him.

Enjoy the day with your families, make special memories, take pictures and tuck those priceless moments in your hearts.

Happy Easter to each of you and Yes He Is Risen!

Easter morning…..

A morning like no other
Except for His mother.

The baby she craddled in her arms and heart
His body torn and bloody and the long walk to start.

His walk long and painful, carrying His cross on the road to Calvary for his mother Mary, for you and me .

Enduring the mockery of others, His body beaten, His tunic bloody, His heart knowing this journey was to be.

Mary watching the man she had raised
The Lamb of God, His faith unfazed.

That day on the hill at Golgotha. He stood between two others.
He spoke to them and encouraged them to join him as brothers.
To join Him in His Father’s house and yet arranging care for His mother; her tears couldnt be doused.

Mary watched her Son cry out to His Father
And the skies turned dark and veil was torn asunder.

But the story doesn’t end there
Read and believe if you dare
The grave no longer holds Him
For He is risen, the future far from dim.

He is alive Hallelujah, He is alive!

The Son shines, all praise and honor and glory to Him

That Easter morning like no other
A Son sent to save you and me
And Mary, your son, what a beloved mother.

Don’t mourn and look in that empty tomb full of gloom
Look heavenward and wait for the trumpets sound to bloom.
Listen for His voice to call us home
Thankful that grave is not His home!