Bring 4th another month….

Here we are in May. Time is moving at such a weird pace. Quarantine, working, working quarantine. Some are furloughed, some working, some just surviving the best way they can. So many things we took for granted before this virus rolled in. Time spent with family and friends, eating in a restaurant, going to church, browsing through a store

We were complaining about the treadmill of life and now we are on a merry go round that doesn’t stop. Some people are blessed to have their jobs. There are some before this virus that were not working and this has made it worse for them. There were some who their whole life was their job and they no longer are working. We have a job to afford the lives we live and sometimes those jobs become careers and sometimes they take over our lives.

During all of this time of uncertainty, a person can start looking around at their life. We take stock of what we have, who we have in our life and what we want from life. Some have become overwhelmed, mental health for many has become more fragile. Some are used to working all the time to now staying in place and not working outside the home. Those at home are working on big projects and cleaning and organizing. Some are working and just doing the minimum at home. We all are on a different merry go round.

To have a job is a blessing, be it where you haven’t missed a day of work or if you have been furloughed and have a job to go back to. But during all of this, will we start looking at our jobs different? Will we look at our lives differently? What do you think about all of this?

I have way too many thoughts and think alot. I know from talking with patients everyday, talking to various people that we all are tired. Tired of our lives in turmoil, tired of the unknown. Some are making more money than they ever have before and some are making the same and meeting their bills. It is an overwhelming time for us all and not just here in the states but our whole world. It does make you look at your life and what you have and what you give. I was raised to do your job, your work honestly and to the best of your ability. To treat others the way you want to be treated, to love others as you love yourself. Many golden rules in there. I think the majority of us try to do this. I think we try the best we can and sometimes it isn’t enough or it is too much. I have seen many people, myself included, link so much of their life to their jobs. I have seen some who put everything before their jobs and still get by. I have seen jobs put before families and I have seen families put before jobs. I have heard the hurt in those that have lost their job as it is a part of who they are.

I say all this as during this time we all have done alot of reflection. Working and balancing family and responsibilities is no easy challenge. We have to have a job to live but do we have to live our jobs? Do we have to be everything to everyone all the time or sometimes just be there for ourselves? Do we work for applause or do we work at applauding others? And this isn’t just our paying jobs. Our jobs as home managers, as parents, as money managers. We can always see the goodness in others and sometimes we overlook our flaws and our accomplishments as they may not be the same as someone else’s. At a time like this we need to stay strong, we need to have a bit more grace for others and ourselves. It seems we have been a world of haves and have nots, some have lost touch with the reality of living paycheck to paycheck and some wish they had that paycheck show up. Every person is either getting ready to have a storm in their lives, going through a storm or coming out of a storm. This time has been a storm for all of us and we need to recognize that. We need to recognize the grit to get up and face another day. We need to know that we work to live, to enjoy what we do and appreciate those around us BUT not live to work. Work is a huge facet of our lives and one that should be as much of a sanctuary as your home is. But we need to work on our lives as well. This time in our lives has been so hard on some, I hear it everyday and I will tell you, it can be very draining. Hurts you can’t fix or change, struggles emotionally and financially. Our world and its people are hurting and tired and isolated.

I honestly know this post has rambled and gone all over the place. I am tired, you are tired. Sometimes we all are just emotionally tired. I guess I write this to say you are not alone. You aren’t by yourself. No matter where you are in the storm cycle, you will come out on the other side. We may have days that don’t go as planned, hurts and disappointments and struggles abound. But we also have to bring forth (get it on the 4th) the best we have. It may not feel like the best that we have, may not be what others expect and sometimes our decisions or actions may not be what someone else expects. But we can only do so much. I think we have to forgive ourselves, do the best we can. That we balance all areas of our lives so that we don’t burn out one area and neglect the other. Or that we burn so bright that we have nothing else left to give. We will get through this storm, but not by ourselves but with each other. And probably more than anything else that we realize we are one person and responsible for only so much, that we have to work to live but that we have lives to live and people to love. Bring forth your worries and you flaws and embrace each one. Know that not one person makes the whole team, but that you are one part of the team. That we find joy in this crazy world, that we take a minute to not miss out on life. We don’t want to be so focused on the minute that we miss the magnificent moments. That the tedious trials take away from the terrific time we are blessed with.Hang in there each and everyone of you. And may the fourth be with you not only on this date but everyday during this pandemic!