A Wednesday like no other…

Hope everyone is well as we are in this week before Easter. A holy week, a week that we can’t begin to imagine all those years ago. A lot of thoughts, as usual, have been on my mind. Think about Judas for a minute. He left the Last Supper to meet with counsel to turn Jesus over, to betray him. Jesus knew he would be the one to betray him. He knew Peter would deny him, He knew what cup he was being handed. Judas traded 30 pieces of silver for Jesus. What do we trade in our lives to get more earthly gains and less of Jesus?

Now I know some are going to be offended about a religious post, I truly am sorry and am willing to talk why you are upset. But to deny Jesus in front of others is not something I can do. So now that we have that out of the way, let’s get back to this train of thought.

Judas got thirty pieces of silver. Led the guard to the garden. In that garden, Jesus wept, prayed to God to take this cup away from him, knowing the agony He would face. Then to see one of His brothers walk forward, that betraying kiss of Judah and everything was set in motion to fulfill scripture. Can you imagine the weight Jesus felt before He even carried that cross for you and I? Can you imagine how Judas felt when his concious kicked in and he realized his betrayal and he couldn’t change what he had done? This made me think about our lives today. Have you been betrayed, kissed with a lie, felt like you were traded for material things and joy? What or who is the Judas in our lives?

Do we trade our time we should be spending with Jesus for earthly passions? Do we forget how to be loyal to those in our lives just to be included in the “in crowd” or to look for something better while not appreciating what we have? There is a Judas aspect to all of our lives, we just don’t always recognize it or pay attention. Kind of like Judas may have felt in the group of apostles. He wasn’t Peter or James or John, he wasn’t even doubting Thomas. He was Judas who had his own flaws and demons he faced. Kind of like each of us. We each have battles and choices we face. Sometimes we can’t undo those choices, just like the one Judas made and realized as he ran from the garden of Gethsemane that he couldn’t give back the silver, he couldn’t change his betrayal. We all have had moments, we know not to this extreme, but we have made choices we wish we could undo. Instead of running away, we can run to Jesus. He knew scripture would be fulfilled, He knew what He had to bear for each of us. Judas ended his life in shame and took his own life. Our lives don’t have to be that way because of Jesus. Judas betrayed Jesus, yet Jesus loved him like a brother. Sometimes the people we love the most can betray us. Sometimes the hurt us unbearable. But then comes the choices on how to handle that betrayal, how to deal with what you are going through. We all have a Judas in our lives. But instead of focusing on the betrayal and the Judas like people who try to trade us in, to rob us to betray, maybe we spend some time reflecting on Jesus. That we look at Him and His example and direction. It is so easy to focus on the dark side of things we turn our back to the Son.

So as we go about our day today and plan our weekend festivities, obviously socially distanced still, maybe we take a moment to think about that Last Supper. The humility of Jesus, the realization of the cross He would bear because He loved us, He loved Judas. Maybe we take a minute and love the Judas in our life. That we recognize the hurt they have or see things through the eyes of Jesus and less from our jaded view. Still keep boundaries that protect your emotional and physical well being and realize that sometime the Judas people in our life have their own demons to fight and Jesus bore that cross for them as well. If you don’t know Jesus, take a minute to message me, seek counsel, surround yourself with people who will lead you to the foot of the cross. I am not perfect and know I let Jesus down on a daily basis, that I am a sinner saved by grace. You don’t have to be a Judas, you don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be open to receive Him and have faith that He knows your name and He wants you to know Him, even with your flaws and failures. Think about the agape love Jesus gave and gives everyday, despite our human faults. Focus on that and the negative side of life becomes less while the Son becomes more. Recognize the Judas in your life and pray for them, for that situation, and set your heart in what matters. Just my thoughts for the day…..