A thought shared and meant to be repeated

So how is everyone? About over the turmoil of life and what we are all experiencing? It has been a lot and it seems that we are hit in the face everyday with a new societal change, a new worry, civil unrest, masks or no masks, people being judge and jury, people being unkind. We spend alot of time focusing on the negative behaviors and people, we focus on the hardships and frustrations. Listen friends, I am so guilty of this. Weighted down by responsibilities, by the cultural climate of our world, the unrest, the unknown. I can imagine that each of you have felt that way. It seems that we are caught in a rip tide of emotions and feelings of feeling scared, overwhelmed, sadness, moments of joy amongst the tragedy. It is just kind of exhausting at times

So have you ever had someone cross your path and they share a word of encouragement or they say something you wish you could or just something touches your heart when your heart has felt hardened? I know I have and hope I have done that for others. So, a rep was in the office and he shared something with me and I want to pass it along. He said he was listening to a preacher, DON’T run away let me finish. He said that we should keep all of our relationships HOT. Hmmm weird to say this. It means….

H=Humble O =Open T=Transparent. So think about what that means in each of our relationships. From family member and co-worker, spouse or lover, friend or foe. Humble ourselves to each other. We aren’t more or less than someone else but humble enough to admit when we are wrong, humble enough to admit that, humble to put someone’s needs before our own. Now one would think open and transparent were the same. They can be yet different. Open to express our needs and expectations, open to direction and guidance, open to love, open to let someone in. Transparent enough to let others see what are needs and expectations effect us, transparent in thought and emotions.

If you think about it, these 3 little letters making one word, can make a difference in who we are and our relationships. It can make us stop and think about how we approach the people in our circle and actually people that cross our paths. We are all so focused on our thoughts and our worlds we forget to humble ourselves and see others through a different lens. Humble, Open, Transparent. Three words started with three letters but could truly be a key to unlock doors that we have closed shut. Some doors aren’t ever to be opened again and some doors have been closed for past hurts or injustices, some closed out of fear of being hurt and some semi closed for self protection. So maybe we have a chance to unlock and open ourselves to blessings we may be missing out on.

I truly love it when someone or something comes across your path when you least expect it. I love when He sends a touch, a word, a smile, an encouragement so your heart becomes bolstered against this draining and taxing world. How about you? Ever had something happen that blessed you when you least expected it? I hope so! I hope I can do that on occasion and that we each pay forward to someone who needs that word of encouragement.

So despite this world and all the hurt and hatred, let’s stand firm in trying to bring a little bit of happiness and hope to someone who is in need. I don’t know about you, but I want to be that person again. I want to be the person that quits getting bigger down by life all the time and lets a little bit of sunshine in someone’s day! Just a thought to share. So stay HOT and stay kind!