A new year, a new day…

Happy New Year! Day one. Yesterday was day 365 and a short 24 hours a new start, a new day. There is something magical about new years, it is the hope to start fresh, a new beginning and hope. If you were imbibing last night you are hoping for Ibuprofen and a bloody mary!

We start the new year with resolutions, good intentions, reclaiming our lives and the list goes on. In a way we get this everyday when we are blessed to open our eyes to a new day. BUT the beginning of a new year has such a different feel. We are standing on the edge of a new year, new experiences and the feeling of hope. What if we bottled that for everyday? What if we take that sparkler of hope with us everyday?

So what are your resolutions? What are your hopes and dreams as we start not only a new year but a new decade? And with each new year and new day, we have our days of our pasts. What memories will you keep tucked in your heart while you make room for more heartfelt moments? Think about this, 100 years ago the roaring twenties were starting. The Charleston, the flappers, the club scene. Our 2020 is full of technology, more social media interactions versus human interactions, and well the dancing is more suggestive than the Charleston. But 100 years ago they were living life like you and me. A simpler life and a life of unknowns, just like now. While they were sipping their hooch and fringes flying, they had the same hopes and dreams like you and I were while we were sipping our craft beer or champagne documenting it all on social media. I do wonder what those flappers from the 20s resolutions for a new year were just like I wonder what yours are?

For myself, I have decided not to do resolutions but intentions. Resolutions have such a limit and pressure to be well, resolute. Intentions are good at heart, attainable for everyday life and achievable. I know, six in one half a dozen in another, but just looking at life in different lenses and different views.

So my intentions are to be healthier physically and emotionally this year. Continue my weight loss journey that I side railed after my dad’s passing. To stop thinking I am not enough or too much. To be a better woman, mom, person. To realize I am just one person with many roles in life and that I can only do so much on my own. I intend to lift others up and encourage to the best of my ability. That I want to give love and be loved. I intend to laugh a little more and try my damndest to stress less. I want moments to cherish and intend to do so. I want moments that aren’t meant to be shared with just anyone but someone. These are my intentions and I resolve to honor those intentions. So I just joined resolutions and intentions. I know, amazing right? I see you rolling your eyes.

Today is day 1 out of 365, a new month and a new chapter in life. What are you going to do about it? What should we do? The possibilities are endless and our own choosing. We stay so busy, so stressed so adult. And yes being an adult has some amazing perks but can also be exhausting. We work and then again we work. We have responsibilities and obligations, stress and demands. Our life is real and not what gets posted on social media. Life gets hard. We have expectations that are realistic and at times unattainable. Maybe we make this new year and new decade one of being real and true? Be real about who we are and what we want out of life. That we don’t play pretend but play real. At this stage in life I want real. I want to be wanted, I want to be valued, I want and choose to be happy. How about you? What do you choose and what do you want? Realness, honesty, laughter, joy, simple pleasures, surprises that make you smile and be the one to bring a smile to someone’s life, amazing connections and amazing kisses, hugs that warm your heart and sunshine on your soul? Sounds pretty damn good to me.

So what are your intentions as we embark on a new year? I have listed some of mine while you ponder yours. Let’s intend to make the most out of life, out of the unspoken moments, the simple minutes of time that we have been blessed with. That we rejoice in the mundane Mondays and the freaky Fridays and all the days in between. I intend to be a better me and will try my hardest. I appreciate and love the people who love me, support me, yes even the ones who tolerate me. My circle is small and seems to get smaller as I want the ones in my circle that want to be there. The genuine ones, the people that care and I genuinely care about each one in my circle.

So let’s start our roaring twenties, our new year and our new decade with the intentions of being the best people we can be and that we leave a mark of kindness and love, intelligence and gentleness, smiles and yes sparkles, that we be real. Be real with ourselves and each other. Intentions have more possibilities than ever before and I intend to make the most of the possibilities. Happy new year to each of you and many blessings and good health for this year.

2 Replies to “A new year, a new day…”

  1. Wonderful writing. Wishing you the best for 2020.

    1. Thank you! Happy New Year to you and yours!

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