A new month, a new start….

So June has flown by! How does time go by so fast? It truly flies by in a blink of an eye. Hope you all had a good month and had a chance to stop the business of life to make a few memories and something made you smile. We survived graduation and now planning on college for my youngest and for my oldest to find his footing in life and for me….well trying to keep it all together. Which made me think about this next topic….We as women have alot we juggle. And for any male readers out there, I am not man bashing or downplaying your role in life. I just happen to be a woman and am looking at a few of these topics through my lens (although I see what you guys go through as well). We juggle jobs and families, household chores and work chores. Add in all the other projects of life and, oh yeah, self care as well. Some days we feel we don’t have one more piece of ourselves to give away. It feels, atleast to me, there are times I can’t be everything to everybody and I feel like I can’t please everyone. I know we aren’t supposed to be people pleasers, but it happens.How do you deal with this? It is a slippery slope. You can get so lost in being everything to everyone and then not much left for yourself. I think being amendable is an under rated quality. We either call ourselves biotches with attitudes or we say we are wall flowers or total push overs. And maybe we are all 3 at different times. I want those around me happy, I may agree to a plan because it means something to someone or willing to go that extra mile, make someone smile and let them know what they mean to me. How about you? Which category do you identify with? I can honestly say I have never been a woman to get an attitude or demand something. Then you see people who do demand and they seem to get further ahead. Such a balance we seem to face. As always, I overthink this process. I think those of us that that are accused of people pleasing feel things on a different level. We pick up moods and tones and words and lack of words. We apologize alot, we seem to want things to stay on an even keel and not rock the boat. BUT when we do rock that boat, it seems to be interpreted at titanic proportions.How about you? Do you want to rock the boat sometimes? Do you want to embrace those other facets of your personality? Do you crave someone or more than one someone to empathize and encourage and just plain listen? Do you want to just be you and stop applogizing? I sure do. I over apologize, over think and over feel. I am a care taker my nature and when I am in, well I am 100% in. I can’t half way any tasks– be it work or kids or projects or relationships, or half way think or love. So some see that as people pleasing, and well I guess that is their opinion. Is there sometimes we all feel like just being a bitch or demand something, well maybe. Do we sometimes want someone to read our minds or do something to make us people pleasers happy, you bet. Which then makes me think, why does there have to be a label for any of is. Why can’t we appreciate the uniqueness of another person and treasure them for who they are.For those people in my life who put up with my worry, over thinking anxiety filled moments, thank you. Thank you for letting me be me. As you see, I beat myself up enough for my actions and inadequacies. So thank you for letting me and all of us over thinking people pleasing women out there for accepting us with open arms. This is a hard world and demands are high— look good, be pretty, be skinny, be fluffy, be sexy, be a mom, a wife or girlfriend, a lover, a chedmf and maid, taxi driver and accountant, a laundress and purveyor of food and the list goes on. So maybe we all take a deep breath and realize we are doing our best. And we can hope and pray that our best is good enough for the people in our lives. I will probably be a people pleaser for the rest of my days. One day though, someone will appreciate that I aim to please but am not an idiot. That we each are loved on to the depth we need and deserve. So let’s all take that deep breath and realize we each are trying to do the very best we can and tomorrow is a new day.