So I am going to admit that I have been a binge watcher for the past couple of weeks. I am late to the trend, but I have been watching Downtown Abbey. I have stepped into the English countryside and the world of aristocrats and servants. My lord and my ladies, ladies maids and butlers. And a spunky mother/grandmother who makes me giggle and envy the quick wit and watching her pull the puppet strings of a family in need of her wisdom and guidance.
It makes you look back in time to see how far we have come and how some things how we have taken steps back. There was such a class system in the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s. You were either wealthy or poor, different sets of problems and different sets of challenges. The wealth keeping up pretenses, the working class eeking out a living and having dreams to make a better life. Just like people in today’s times.
The mansions, the cottages, the introductions to cars, phones, women changing their roles in the world. From women without a voice to women exploring their roles in life. From just a woman who couldn’t inherit an estate because they were just a woman, to a woman looking at life outside of the home. I so wish that there were some things that could stay the same.
The clothing, the properness of interactions, travel by train, traditions, the romance and respect, the modesty but the coquettish behavior. Don’t get me wrong, life wasn’t easy for women, there were obstacles and barriers around every corner. Women were chattle, just traded for land and titles. That part was beyond sad. The part of a woman being cherished and protected, that is a sweet romance. I know there are women having their eyes rolling in the back of their head and gnash their teeth that I as a woman would admit that I as a woman admire a time where a woman was appreciated for being a woman. That her sensibilities were protected and that women were discovering themselves and glimpses of happiness in times of great struggles. People actually talked to each other, that they walked the country side, that they took vows that they tried their best to honor. From the sale of lands, to the hiring of help, to wedding vows.
What happen to our words today? What happen to good manners and sense of virtue? What happen to honoring your word, a sense of trust, to cherish those closest to you?
So yes this is just a silly show, some may feel a waste of time, and yes I should just enjoy the show and not think. But, if you read this blog, you do know I think. I slipped away to a Yorkshire town, I feel the need to call people my lord and my lady and a need to talk on an English accent. To picture myself living in a different time. That is the sign of a good show or a good book. That you get completely lost in the story and picture yourself right beside the main characters.
So yes, I am late in watching some shows. Never on the cutting edge of what is current. However, I so enjoy watching complete series and not having to wait for each season to start. Watching this makes me want to give up TV and just stream shows. To be able to indulge in something that brings joy, that makes one think, that brings tears and smiles, giggles and such heart felt emotions.
Again, there are women’s libbers out there who can’t stand the thought of a woman wanting to be just that, a woman! A complex woman, a simple woman, a woman that can still be beguiling and intelligent, thoughtful and whimsical. A woman that wants to be appreciated for all aspects. That doesn’t lessen a woman to want a part of the past and the future. A woman who wants to be a woman of worth. Not a sterotype. I don’t know about you’all, I am tired of worrying what people think, what people’s expectations and judgments. I have always worried if I will be liked, if I would be respected and cherished, if I am good enough. Well, I am all of those things. This thought process isn’t because of a TV show, these thoughts have been brooding under the surface like the horse’s hooves pounding the country side. Sometimes when one sits binge watching a show, one’s mind goes in circles. We aren’t so different from the women of Downtown. Trying to follow our hearts, etching our place in history, making our mark on the world. Yet we still strive to find our footing and place in this world, in our families, our jobs, our home and yes in our own minds and hearts. So perhaps we be a little bit more forgiving of ourselves, that we embrace the roles we have in life, that we dare to dream for our futures and learn from our pasts. That we forgive our short comings and celebrate our victories and dare to dream. That we see our lives as strong as the fine china at tea time, pretty and special yet strong enough to hold the boiling water that life rains down while keeping our cup in check. We are as resiliant, pretty in each our own way, fragile yet strong, delicate and to be treasured, to be of service yet cherished. Yes, I thought all of this from watching a little show about the English.
So let your wonderful self shine like the silver tea service. Indulge in a show that captures your mind and most importantly be yourself. Be your glorious self, love those around you with all you your heart, make the most of every moment. Even if those moments are spent binge watching a show that has no bearing on today’s news, national security or just anything of importance other than to let your imagination wonder and immerse yourself into a story that steals your heart and enriches your imagination and yes, thoughts of romance and a stroll in the english countryside and a witty comeback and a smile that makes one wonder what you have been up to. No whining…set your mind to your path my ladies.