A few thoughts about this past week…

Saturday arrives again and another week in the books. How was your week? How is life? Life here is the same as usual. Made it through that darn colonoacopy, then I had the worse vertigo after that that lasted for days. Guess I am so usually full of it that my body didn’t know what to do! Then I was hit by the vortex of what is going on in our world. So now I know this blog isn’t a political blog, but there have been somethings rumbling through my mind that are just wanting to tumble forth!

First off, I don’t care what your political affiliation is. I also am open minded enough to be able to discuss politics and not get butt hurt. Now if anything I share makes you feel hurt, well my apologies and it will never be my intent. As this whole impeachment played out on the media, not to mention the thousands of our hard earned money was spent on this circus, two things stood out. We are more divided as a country then we have ever been AND there is such a sense of hatred that is coursing through our society. AND the realization that this is my circus woth monkeys that we elected to our government. Now listen, I get it that some of you feel that you don’t care for the man that is our president, BUT he is still in the office of the president and that should be respected. If I have to respect the position that Nancy Pelosi holds, well what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Just stop and think for a minute, honestly stop and think…has there been a president that has gone through what President Trump has? From day one he has been under scrutiny, disrespect and mocked. So now before you go and bring up his recording with Billy Bush (let’s remember cigars) , that his twitter account is off the rails (previous presidents stumbled on TV prior to twitter), yes he has been divorced (so was Reagan), he is over confident (just like every president prior), before you throw those stones do you live in a glass house? We have become like sheeps that follow mainstream media like sheeps to slaughter. We pick and choose what to be indignant about, and forget what we deem to be ok. We sit back and study every move this man has made, yet we ignore the men and women who sit in the House and Senate and our high courts. Now listen before your knickers get in a knot and your blood pressure shoots out your head, I am not saying he is perfect and without flaws. There was only one perfect man in this world. Let’s look historically, how many presidents do you remember having this intense scrutiny? And before you say he is dividing the country, is it him or something or someone more? Again, I am stating facts. Again, he isn’t without flaws and mistakes. I do know this, we each make mistakes and have made mistakes, but there is this little saying that aays don’t judge lest you be judged.

Presidents have always had controversies from the very beginning of this country. Washington slept everywhere it seems and supposedly not alone. Conspiracy and infidelity surrounded Kennedy. Nixon and Watergate. Carter was a one term president who has a heart for God but wasn’t an effective president. Bush Sr. was also a more of a soft spoken man. Bush Jr had 9/11 and scandals with money and ball teams and was mocked for not being smart. Clinton….well where do we begin and I should be careful what I say as well you know sometimes people get hurt speaking ill of them. For the dalliances Kennedy had, Clinton took it to a new level in the oval office and new meanings to sexual relationships. Obama was a great speaker, a motivational speaker who declared his kids off limit, and it was honored probably more than any other presidential kids. He depleted our military, he changed our healthcare industry and not all for the better of all, he mocked christianity as much as some christians mock Trump, he has made millions from books and was more of a celebrity at times then a president. Now to Trump who shocked the nation by beating out Hillary. The shock on mainstream media when he won. Open tears and immediate doubt on his ability. If you just stop and think, we have judged and commented, laughed and mocked just about every president. Each year, actually every 4 years, we cast our vote to the person we want in office and then that person becomes fair game in this over saturated media focused world. With each passing year we age and lose respect. Again, he isn’t perfect but we aren’t either.

Let’s just switch gears here for a minute. We are so enthralled on crucifying one man that we are overlooking the other parties involved. And there are many. The people that we voted in to be our representatives and senators. These are the people who are supposed to be our voices. Not the people that cater to the lobbyists, that they seek their own agenda to further their political career. They are there because we voted them in and well they have forgotten why they are there. We are so quick to judge and ridicule the president yet we ignore the others we voted in. Each and everyone of them were elected to represent the people. Yet they get longer breaks than most working class. They have better health insurance–lifetime insurance– than any of us. They make more money than the people they represent and think we should be accepting of their politica as usual? Our congressmen and women aren’t without flaws. Thurmond serving in name and sleeping during proceedings. Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick. Nancy Pelosi and her lip chewing paper ripping behavior.. Scandals have abound–sexual misconduct, drugs, bribery. It is a den of lies and lust and self-serving behavior. Yet they are the ones who pursue unrighteousness to protect us little people. Does this maybe sound like a scene straight from the Bible with the Pharisees and Sadducees? And no I am not comparing the president to Jesus, I am comparing our congressmen and women’s behavior, just clarifying. I am just saying again, the first one without sin, cast the first stone.

The other party involved is the media. We do not have journalism like we once did. Journalists don’t report the news, they sensationalize it. Tempered with their slant, their view interspersed with the facts. And we sit being spoonfed information and we become complacent and think everything we are fed is good for us. We have lost the ability to think. We have learned the ability to hate. We have learned the ability to divide ourselves into a cast system and don’t even realize it. We have lost respect for each other and feel the need to berate someone for their choices, mistakes, celebrations and failures. What happened to us America? Was it all President Trump that made us fall? If you think one man caused this then I have a lovely bridge I would like to sell you.

Growing up, I learned to respect the flag that was inspired by Betsy Ross. I said the pledge of allegiance with hand over heart. I respected the police, the military, my parents. I knew that my freedom was precious. I was taught to pull over in respect for a funeral procession. I knew men and women fought for my freedom, I learned of world history and american history to know my life was the way it was for the sacrifices others made. I was taught right from wrong. That when we all get to heaven there isn’t a color coded division. That the color of someone’s skin was different than mine but their heart beats the same as mine. They were no different. I was taught respect. I had my share of spankings, grounded and rules. I survived. I was taught to have an opinion and be able to back up that opinion. BUT I was also taught to listen to someone’s opinion with thoughtfulness and respect. One of the problems with today, we have lost respect. We have lost the art of respectful debating and the need to be right. Now some of you may think that I am typing all of this to be right. I am right in my opinion just as much as you are right in yours. I don’t hate you for your opinion or hate you. But I will defend both of our rights to debate it respectfully.

We are bombarded everyday with the media, social media, news alerts, commentaries, newspapers and water cooler chats. But maybe we should take a deep breath, listen to thise around you, do your research and listen to your heart. Do your research for who you are voting for. Don’t vote for someone because you know their name and not the person. Really pay attention to these people we are putting in those halls of Washington. Go back and look at how our government works. Look at the power they have versus the president. Then tell me that some of this recent impeachment process wasn’t a power struggle? Tell me that power isn’t craved and sought after more than justice. Go out and make your opinion count when you cast that vote. Be a gracious winner and loser. Our world is broken, our government and laws are broken. Think about the issues that matter to you. Look past the hype. Think about it, these men and women who are running for office and are campaigning non-stop and spending money like it is never ending spouting platforms and ideals, spouting hate in subdued undertones. Let’s just think about their platforms and does your train want to pull into that station?

Think about healthcare, which is near and dear to me and has helped me provide for my family as a nurse. So we had health insurance for all with the previous administration. That didn’t work despite the hype. More rules than the public knew. If your employer offers insurance, you don’t qualify for the marketplace nor your children. If you make a certain amount of money, you don’t qualify. If you have insurance through the marketplace and get pregnant, you are advised you will not be covered and get Mediciad. So with the candidates now spouting Medicare for all, affordable health insurance. Has one person revealed how they would pay for it? Not that I have heard. Our health insurance industry is about as corrupt as congress. Insurance companies have profit margins bugger than big pil, yet they want to pay for less. They want to tell a physician how to practice because it works for their bottom line not necessarily for the patient’s well-being. They discount that physicians training and knowledge because it doesn’t make sense financially. The more government involvement in your medical care means less choices for you the patient. A board will get to decide if you “qualify for care” based on their criteria and not your wishes. Medicaid is abused by some and unattainable for those that really need it. Our healthcare is under seige and well you have to listen past the hype. Socialized medicine isn’t all that it is cracked up to be.

Immigration is another hot topic for this president. Somehow, it was conveniently forgotten what the previous administration’s actions and roles were in this process. These are my thoughts…..come in to this country legally. Our country has always been a melting pot and that has made us great. Cross that border legally. I couldn’t cross into another land illegally and stay, so what makes America any different? The children are the casualties of this immigration issue. They didnt ask for their parents to make the choices they did and deserve to have options. This is another broken system. Come to America legally, be a productive member of society, just like I would be expected to do if I came to your country.

The enviroment and global warming. Now, our enviroment has been under a steady decline and honestly I have heard some say it is the fault of this one president. Do you think 3 years has made our world turn on it’s own eco system? We have been cruel to this enviroment longer than 3 years. Asbestos, chemicals released into main waterways, coal power plants, cars, plastic, littering. We all have played a roll in our enviroment. We are more aware of our carbon foot print now than ever. It requires attention but I daresay it wasnt all his fault

Term limits!!! Now do you really think these career politicians will ever vote on this? There is no reason for career politicians. They are more self serving than serving the people who put them in office. We are just as guilty as we have stuck with the known as it was comfortable and easy. Some of these candidates are touting they are there to make a change once elected. With all due respect, what the hell have you been doing for the last 30 years?

The list of concerns and issues is long. Abortion, taxes, pay scales, the second amendment, voter ID and there is more. Sometimes big government doesn’t equate bigger and better for us– the regular, everyday people. We as a society are always going to have an opinion, there is always going to be discord and different thoughts. We have been blessed in a country that grants us that freedom for now. It is time that we don’t do politics as usual but that we want to pursue the lives that our forefathers invisioned for this great land. Forgive one another, respect one another, love your neighbor as thyself. Life is hard and we as a society are bound and determined to make life even harder. So no matter who your candidate is and who you choose, choose wisely and thoughtfully. And again be gracious no matter which side the vote falls on. We may not be in the room where it happens but our kids, our loved ones, and the world are watching us and how we handle ourselves. Hopefully it can be with humility and grace with a dash of kindness and a heap of humor and good cheer and the courage of our convictions.