Sunshine on my mind…

Saturday morning….no other feeling than sleeping in past the alarm. Waking up to a leisurely cup of coffee versus the need for coffee to get through the day. Hearing the birds morning song and the sun streams through the windows. How about your day? I know you folks with young kids are ready to knock […]

Rambling Thoughts

Hey you’all! How is everyone? I ask that all the time and I truly mean it. Life has been a whirlwind as always. We have a gas shortage going on and people are grabbing gas just like they did toilet paper a year ago! Moved my youngest home from college from her sophomore year and […]

What Crown Do You Wear?

Hey you’all. It is Monday again. How did it get here so fast? So as I am getting ready for work today I have a few thoughts rattling around (shocker I know). I heard a message yesterday watching a church service on line. It was just a quick statement but it made me think. He […]

How we see ourselves

A new month, time keeps rushing by. My mom always said that the older you get the faster time goes by. She was so right. This month is a birthday month for me as well. I am moving up that age ladder! I will be 53. That doesn’t seem possible! I feel like it was […]