A Wednesday like no other…

Hope everyone is well as we are in this week before Easter. A holy week, a week that we can’t begin to imagine all those years ago. A lot of thoughts, as usual, have been on my mind. Think about Judas for a minute. He left the Last Supper to meet with counsel to turn […]

Storms of life

Good morning! Hope you’all are well during this crazy time in our world. How are the storms in your life? We all have them. We are either waiting for a storm, in a storm or coming out of a storm. This has been very true for my life. Yesterday we had bad weather here. Thank […]

Words upon words….

Well time keeps marching on and March has almost come to an end. Time goes by quickly, days turn into nights and nights turn into weeks, you get the picture. It is like sand sifting through our hands. And whole time marches on, our lives speed by, our actions follow us and our words, so […]

Looking in the mirror

So I have had a time of self reflection, lots of one sided conversations with myself, come on you do that too admit it. In this crazy world and crazy life changes, we all have some pep talks, inner goddess talks, negative talks. We sometimes are our hardest critics of ourselves. For a few they […]

More than one reason

Good morning all. Hope everyone is doing well, staying healthy mentally and physically as we have now been a year into this pandemic. Crazy to think this time last year we were buying hand sanitizer, toilet paper and disinfectant wipes like there was no tomorrow. Look at us we made it to this tomorrow! We […]

Behind The Mask

Here we are on the edge of spring, a year in a pandemic and a year behind a mask. Who would have thought? For years we have seen the people of China wear a mask everywhere they go,we have seen Halloween masks every October, and now a year behind paper masks, cloth masks, gators, bandanas […]