Do you ever feel…..?

Hey you’all. How are things going for you? Last day of the month, a new month on the horizon. It is hard to believe one year ago we were heading into quarantine, a virus or plague as it seems descended on our lives. We went from family get togethers, dinners out, movies to take out […]

One word, many meanings

Hey everyone, time is marching by it seems. Hope everyone is well and keeping their chin up. Some days it is hard in this crazy world. With this pandemic, world changes and people, well it is hard at times. Atleast it can be for me. Doesn’t it seem that with all the decrease interaction with […]

Love words to ourselves…

We have made it to Valentine’s weekend. The words are flowing like maple syrup. Sticky and sweet, slippery and sly. We shower our loved ones with words of love and affirmations. We plan romantic moments and we feel the sting of cupid’s arrows. For those of you who have a valentine, love on them not […]

Agape, the ultimate love…

Well another love post. I know just all about the love this month. I think with everything going on in our world and the unrest and the political.issues, the pandemic and just being pushed to the limits, love feels like a topic that feels like the right thing right now. I have had alot of […]

A few more thoughts…

Well awake again, way before time fir the alarm goes off. How about you? Some of you are sleeping away, some are up and have been at work or going into work, some wishing for a job to go to and some worrying about life and some are cuddled up with their life. We all […]

Which view do you see?

I felt the need to be up early today. Seems to happen on the days you could stay snuggled in the bed. Thought about going for a drive but took a detour and stopped by a lake. Didn’t stay long as it was cold and honestly a little creepy with lots of cars and no […]

Don’t forget what matters

Well I was supposed to be committing to writing more. I have been awake since 3 this morning, woke up and couldn’t sleep. My mind was wondering I guess or whomever had me in their dreams kept me awake, hahaha. Anyways it is Friday and we have made it through another work week, unless you […]