
There is so many things to be thankful for. We spend alot of time wishing for more, wanting more and then over look the blessings. I think I am feeling over emotional today. I have found myself sick again. I had horrible bout of pneumonia in February. These past week I started having tons of […]


The sun skims across the lake The ducks begging for the take. The sun dances across the waves without a care Shimmering and dazzling its warmth to share. The wind whispers across my skin The sun warms my face and chin. The peace flows across my heart Healing is beginning to start. The simple joys […]


So laying here on a Saturday morning knowimg that my to do list awaits, my bladder is full and my sheets are saying don’t leave me. My mind is running with alot of different thoughts and I will admit some worries and stress. It is so aggravating when you could sleep in and that internal […]

On my heart…

It has been 1 month already Since you left our earthly arms. The days feel anything but steady Missing your smile and southern charms. Time is such a fickle little beast The sun keeps setting, rising in the east. Time seems to have no care but to keep moving forward. It doesn’t care how we […]


Hard to believe September is almost over! Still waiting for fall to arrive amongst the heat wave here. I am readt for crisp mornings and cozy nights, colors to drape the trees in their tapestry, sleeping with the window open cool air rushing in whilst buried under covers experiencing the best sleep ever. I should […]


Thanks for indulging me.. . Fall seemed to march in so quick and steadfast Summer didn’t want to go, it’s glow to last. Leaves of green seemed to hang on tight Summers grip against fall, they both fight. Just like the grip of this life that grabs ahold Heat of the moment, anger & passion […]