
So I got lost in myself today. . traveled a road I had never driven before. Curves that started like the sweetest of smiles, opening up to rays of sunshine. Twist and turns just like life. Trees forming canopies stretching and yearning to meet in the middle. Climbed higher still to where clouds broke free […]


So today is International Women’s Day. A day to celebrate the uniqueness of being a woman. We are unique, we are different, we are blessed. We juggle work, homes, families, love, spouses or boyfriends (and hopefully not both ladies). We are nurses, cheerleaders, maids, cooks, chauffeurs. We are a beacon of love and warmth, compassion […]

So time marches on…..

Well here we are the beginning of another month. Time does go by quickly. What have you guys been up to? Here at the Collins household we are on WW, hearing back from college applications, working and many times all this gets in the way of relaxation. But so many blessings in this conundrum of […]